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호스피스/완화간호 연구의 저변 확대 및 연구능력 함양과 WHO 협력센터로서의 호스피스연구소의 홍보 및 역할 확대


호스피스/완화간호와 관련된 간호학, 의학, 사회복지학, 종교 및 신학, 약학, 영양학, 심리학, 물리치료학, 기타 관련 분야

연도 저자 논문제목 수록지
2022 Kang K, Yu S, Kim CH, Lee M, Kim S, Kwon S, Kim S, Kim HS, Park M, Choi SE Nurses’ Perceived Needs and Barriers Regarding Pediatric Palliative Care: A Mixed-Methods Study Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
2022 Yun K, Jo M, Lee Y Understanding cultural beliefs of a good death by older people in South Korea: An integrative review of the literature Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
2021 Jang SG, Kim CH, Lee MR, Kim S Palliative Care Knowledge among Korean Physicians and Nurses who Care for Pediatric Patients Palliative Medicine
2021 Jung MY, Matthews A, Park C, Corte C, Gorman G, Kim S Impact of quality of communication with clinicians on depression, anxiety, and quality of life among Korean family caregivers in end-of-life care settings The American journal of hospice & palliative care
2021 Lee Y, Jo M, Kim T, Yun K Analysis of high-intensity care in intensive care units and its cost at the end of life among older people in South Korea between 2016 and 2019: a cross-sectional study of the health insurance review and assessment service national patient sample database. BMJ Open
2021 Park EJ, Jo M, Park M, Kang SJ Advance care planning for older adults in community-based settings: An umbrella review. International Journal of Older People Nursing
2021 Jo M, Park M, Park EJ, Choi JY The Acceptability and Effect of a Communication-Based Advance Care Planning Program for Older Adults Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
2021 Park M, Park EJ, Jo M, Ahn J Feasibility of an Advance Care Planning Program (ACP) for Korean Community-Dwelling Older Adults and ACP Training of Advance Practice Nurses Journal of Community Health Nursing
2020 Lee W, Choi S, Kim S, Min A A case-centered approach to nursing ethics education: A qualitative study. International journal of environmental research and public health International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2020 Yong, J., Park, J., Park, Y., Lee, H., Lee, G., Rim, S. Effects of Holy Name Meditation on the Quality of Life of Hospital Middle Manager Nurses in Korea: A 6-Month Follow-Up The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · Vol 51, No 5, 2020